
This Yogamudra Asana has come through tradition. Its reference is not found in old Yoga Texts.

Technique :-
  1. Sit in Padmasana.

  2. Take both hands towards your back and catch the wrist of one hand with the other. Keep neck straight.

  3. Slowly start bending from your waist. Continue the bending till forehead touches the ground.

  4. After maintaining it for some time raise your forehead and chest. Release your hands also and sit erect.
  1. If your are unable to practise it in Padmasana, then practise it in Ardha Padmasana.

  2. If this is also not possible, then sit in Vajrasana, close your fists and place them at the navel region. The fingers of the fists should be towards navel. Then bend forward and touch the ground with forehead.

  3. Do not allow your buttock to leave the ground during its practice.

  4. If it becomes easy to touch the ground with forehead, then gradually try to touch the ground with nose and chin.
Benefits and Limitations:-
  1. The internal organs of abdomen work efficiently as a result of its practice.

  2. Connected nerves of navel become strong.

  3. It is beneficial in constipation and removes seminal weakness.

  4. Those suffering from hypertension or chronic headache should not practise it.