
With shoulders bent forward one should rotate the abdomen right and left with the speed of a fast rotating whirl pool. This is called Nauli by accomplished yogis.

Note:- Nauli is practised only after the practice of Uddiyana.

Technique :-
  1. Stand erect at your place.

  2. Maintain 15" to 18" distance between legs and lean forward, place hands on respective knees or thighs. Exhale completely and retain the breath outside.

  3. Expand your chest and raise your diaphragm so that abdomen is drawn in and there becomes a cavity in abdomen.

  4. Middle Nauli:
    Now try to isolate the central abdminal muscle (recti). This cannot be achieved during first effort. But effort should continue. Blow out your abdomen as in Agnisara but effort should be made that central part should come out. This is called Madhyama (middle) Nauli. After maintaining it according to your limitation, return to the original position and then practise it again.

  5. Left Nauli:
    After attaining Middle Nauli, when we press more on left knee with left hand and lessen the pressure on right knee of right hand then the Middle Nauli shifts to left side and this is known as (Vama) left nauli.

  6. Right Nauli:
    Similarly when we lessen the pressure of the left hand on left knee then this accumulated muscles (of middle nauli) shifts to right side and this is called right nauli.

    Rotation of Nauli: From Left to Right.
  1. Perform Uddiyana.
  2. Press lightly on both the knees from hands and draw out Middle Nauli.
  3. Now pressing the left knee, lessen the pressure of right hand on right knee draw out Vama (left) Nauli.
  4. Now with bringing equal pressure on both the knees, and completely minimizing the pressure on knees, return to Uddiyana position, (bring the position of Uddiyana).
  5. Now press upon the right knee from right hand draw out Daksina (right) Nauli.
  6. Now giving equal pressure on both the knees, draw out Madhya (middle) Nauli. If the Nauli and Uddiyana are practised fast according to above said sequence then that is called Naulicalana (rotation). This again can be rotated in the opposite direction i.e. in the following sequence. Middle Nauli, Right Nauli, Uddiyana, Left Nauli and Right Nauli.
Remember :-
  1. Nauti is achieved automatically by practise. Teacher only can make you understand. Do not expect it soon. If you can perform Uddiyana nicely and maintain it, the achievement of Nauli will also be equally easy.

  2. Nauli is the pre-requisite for some cleansing processes like Vasti and others hence learn to practise it efficiently.

  3. Never practise it after meal. It should always be practised on empty stomach.
Benefits and Limitations :-
  1. See Uddiyana.

  2. Agnisara makes the appetite normal, keeps digestive system healthy, lever becomes strong and keeps health diseaseless

  3. All the benefits of Uddiyana can be achieved.

  4. If having high blood-pressure, practice it very slowly without giving much pressure.

Nauli & Uddiyana Bandha

Nauli Kriya is intended for regenerating, invigorating and stimulating the abdominal viscera and the gastro-intestinal or alimentary system. For the practice of Nauli you should know the Uddiyana Bandha. Uddiyana can be done even in a sitting posture; but Nauli is generally done while standing.

Stage I

Do a strong and forcible expiration through the mouth and keep the lungs completely empty. Contract and forcibly draw the abdominal muscles towards the back. This is Uddiyana Bandha. This is the first stage of Nauli. Uddiyana Bandha terminates in Nauli.

For practising Nauli, stand up. Keep the right leg a foot apart from the left leg. If you keep up the feet close together, at times you may lose the balance and stumble down. Rest your hands on the thighs, thus making a slight curve of the back. Then do Uddiyana Bandha. Do this for one week before proceeding to the next stage.

Stage II

Now allow the centre of the abdomen free by contracting the left and right side of the abdomen. You will have all the muscles in the centre in a vertical line. This is called Madhyama Nauli. Keep it as long as you can with comfort. Do only this much for a few days.

Stage III

Here you should contract the right side of the abdomen and allow the left side free. You will have the muscles on the left side only. This is called Vama Nauli. Again contract the left side muscles and allow the right side free. This is Dakshina Nauli. By having such gradual practices, you will understand how to contract the muscles of the central, left and right sides of the abdomen. You will also notice how they move from side to side. In this stage you will see the abdominal muscles only in the central, right or the left side. Practice this stage for a week

Stage IV

Keep the muscles in the centre. Slowly bring to the right side and then to left side in a circular way. Do this several times from the right to left side and then do it in a reverse way from the left to right side. You should turn the muscles always with a circular motion slowly. When you advance in the practice you can do it quickly; but you can derive full benefits of this Kriya when you do it very slowly and gradually. This last stage of Nauli will appear like ‘churning’ when the abdominal muscles are isolated and rotated from side to side.

Beginners will feel slight pain of abdomen in the first two or three attempts. They need not fear and stop the practice. The pain will vanish away in 2 or 3 days. When Nauli is demonstrated by the advanced Yogic student, the onlookers will be extremely surprised to look at the movements of the abdominal muscles. They will feel as if an engine is working in the abdominal factory.

When beginners want to do Dakshina Nauli, they should slightly bend towards the left side and contract the left muscles. When they want to do Vama Nauli, let them bend a little to the right side. In Madhyama Nauli, push the entire muscles forward by contracting the two sides.

This exercise is not at all possible for those who have a barrel-like belly. When they find it difficult to carry their own belly, they cannot at all dream of getting success in this Kriya. They can also try by gradual slow practice. For getting success, they must exert hard and have rigorous practice for a long time. Those who have a tender body can very easily learn and perform this Kriya in a beautiful and efficient manner.

In the famous Hardwar cosmopolitan platform where Punjabis and Bengali Baboos stroll in the evening with their ladies, on the banks of the Ganges, some persons demonstrate Nauli and various other Asanas and Mudras for the sake of a few pies only. They pass on from one exercise to the other very quickly. You will find the same in Calcutta, Delhi, Bombay, Madras and in all the busy centres. This is only a sort of profession. It is not at all Yoga. It is only a variety of physical feats. From the very condition of their body you will find that they do not possess all the qualifications and aims of a Yogi, They do not even appear physically better, since they are habituated to intoxicant drinks, Ganja, Bhang, etc.

If the Yogic exercises are done in the right way with the right mental attitude, it will surely lead you to spiritual growth. Nauli Kriya eradicates chronic constipation, dyspepsia and all other diseases of the gastro-intestinal system. Nauli helps Sang Pachar and Basti Kriya also. The liver and pancreas are toned. The kidneys and other organs of the abdomen function properly. Nauli is a blessing to humanity. It is a sovereign specific ‘uni-all’ or an ideal ‘pick-me-up.’