Cakrasana - 2

The traditional technique of Cakrasana is as follows:

Technique :-
  1. Stand erect with legs together, toes together, hands by the side of the thighs, gaze in front.

  2. Now raise both hands from infront towards the sky. Palms facing in front.

  3. Keeping full weight of your body on ankles and thighs, bend backwards till you touch the ground with your hands.

  4. After maintaining it or some time, slowly return to the original position.

  5. Abdomen will be towards sky and the whole body will take the form of a bow.

  1. While bending backward balance yourself on ankles and thighs, so that you do not fall on your backside.

  2. Return slowly to the original position.
Benefits and Limitations:-
  1. This strengthens the abdominal muscles and digestive system is regularized.

  2. Biceps and calf muscles are made strong.

  3. This Asana removes pain in waist (due to vayu) and spine is made flexible.

  4. Those suffering from high blood pressure, spondilitis or having been warned against backward bending should not practise it.