Dhanurasana - 1

Stretching the legs on the ground like a stick and catching hold of the toes with the hands and curving the body like a bow is called Dhanurasana.

Technique :-
  1. Take prone lying position legs together, hands straight by the side of the thighs, chin resting on the ground.

  2. Fold the legs and bring them near the thighs; ther catch hold of Ankles froir respective hands in lieu of toes.

  3. Slowly throw the legs backward as if they want to get released from your hands. Try maximum but do not leave. Raise your thighs. Raise your head and chest also and assume the shape of a bow.

  4. While returning to the original position, place your chest and thighs on the ground, leave the legs and come to the first position.
Remember :-
  1. Beginners may keep distance between two knees (if it is difficult to keep them together).

  2. Raise the head backward completely with chest.

  3. Do not bend hands at elbows.
Benefits and Limitations :-
  1. It makes spine and back muscles flexible, removes nervous weakness.

  2. It helps in removing constipation and pitta disorders.

  3. Those suffering from lumbar spondilitis should not practice it.