Basic Yoga Poses for Beginners

"Yoga is not an ancient myth buried in oblivion. It is the most valuable inheritance of the present. It is the essential need of today and the culture of tomorrow." - Swami Satyananda Saraswati

There are several joints in our body, which needs lubrication and movements. The food we consume supplies the lubrication and Yoga and other activities provide the movements. In our regular life some of these joints are overused and some are rarely used which may create problems at later stage in your life. To help these joints maintain their healthy condition Basic Movements are necessary also they are useful to prepare your body to take up Yoga.

Benefits -

As your body relaxes all your muscles also relax except those muscles, which are used in the movements, so one can easily concentrate on the movement / particular muscle (effort).
Aged and persons having diseases also can do these movements without much strain.

1. Flexibility
2. Anti-aging
3. Breath
4. Strength and tone
5. Balance
6. Focus
7. Expansive movement
8. General health
9. Body self-discovery
10. Relaxation
11. Energy flow
14. Removes toxins

Yoga Positions or Asanas-

*Asana system is the 3rd in ashtanga Yoga, yogasana help achieve physical health, control over mind and power of concentration.

*Patanjali has described Yogasana as "Sthir Sukham Asanam", which means a posture that is stable and pleasant.

*Yoga is different from exercise as it doesn't involve speedy movements, but instead very slow and steady movements.

*Yoga helps achieve relaxation which reduces stress & strain.

*Very few calories are consumed during Yogasana practice and metabolism rate of the body also drops which means reduced Aging Process.

*Less food is required as digestive power is increased.