Yoga Sutras by Patanjali were written to explain the process and systematic analysis of practical methods for awakening and expanding the higher faculties of mind, intellect, quality of consciousness. It explores the true potential of human mind beyond the limits of time and space, a sure way eventually going beyond the mind.
Ashtanga Yoga is the system of Yoga taught by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois at the Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute in Mysore, India. This method of Yoga involves synchronizing the breath with progressive series of postures—a process producing intense internal heat and a profuse, purifying sweat that detoxifies muscles and organs. The result is improved circulation, a light and strong body, and a calm mind.
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is a system of yoga that has its origins in the ancient Yoga Kurunta manuscript, compiled by the sage Vamana Rishi. Its current form was developed at the Mysore Palace in Mysore India, and is commonly attributed to Sri K. Pattabhi Jois by way of his Satguru, Krishnamacharya.
This is an ancient but basic text on Yoga as written by Sage Patanjali 400 years B.C.As the printing technology was not available at that time, this text has been transferred through generations by oral recitations (Shruti). That is why the whole knowledge of yoga is very concisely packed in total 196 lines or Sanskrit Sutras by Patanjali so that students can easily remember these sutras..
The language used for these sutras is Sanskrit, it is little difficult to understand. But still it is interesting journey in understanding these Sutras and to know the basic principles of science of yoga. Sanskrit is called the language of Gods, grammar is very accurately maintained in Sanskrit. The constructions can be very concise and precise meaning.
The total 196 Sutras are divided in 4 chapters, 1st chapter is Samadhi Pada which consists of 51 Sutras, basic definition of yoga, importance of yoga and different types of states of Samadhi are described in this Sutras and ways to achieve states of Samadhi.
Patanjali starts with the first Sutra Atha Yoganushasanam (1-1)
Atha – now, Yoga – science of Yoga, Anushasanam – Discipline or set of instructionsNow, (start with) the discipline of yoga
If you are given a book, then the first question in your mind will be “What is this book?”. Knowing the question of the reader or starter in yoga, Patanjali answers this question in first sutra. He says, now I am explaining the discipline / instructions of science of yoga. There are 3 words in the first sutra, Atha, Yoga and Anushasanam. It is a very old tradition in Indian scriptures to use word Atha in the beginning of every text or every important process. Hence Patanjali wants to mention that he is starting the explanation of Yoga.The literary meaning of Atha is “Now” or “Hereafter”. Patanjali expects that the reader has studied many philosophies and now he is starting to study the philosophy of Yoga.
In discussing the Ashtanga Vinyasa system, a clear distinction must be made between ashtanga (lower-case 'a'), the eight (ashta) limbs of classical Raja Yoga, as outlined by Pantanjali in the Yoga Sutras, and Ashtanga (upper-case 'A'), which refers to the subject of this article. The eight limbs connoted by the word ashtanga refer specifically to the eight spiritual practices outlined by the sage Patanjali in the Yoga Sutra:
*Yama [moral codes]
*Niyama [self-purification and study]
*Asana [posture]
*Pranayama [breath control]
*Pratyahara [sense control]
*Dharana [concentration]
*Dhyana [meditation]
*Samadhi [contemplation]