Bhujanga Asana (THE COBRA POSTURE)

'Bhujanga' means serpent or snake. This asana is named after the king of the snakes, Cobra. It provides a youthful appearance and for women, makes child birth easy. Bhujanga or Cobra posture is a popular asana and it is always practiced as the first in a series of backward bending movements. In this asana the spine is arched backward gently promoting flexibility.

This is one of the postures in Surya Namaskar. However, it is presented separately because of its importance. This can be performed independently too.

Lie flat on the abdomen.
Bring palms beneath the shoulder on both sides.
Stretch legs straight to their full length, keeping them close together.
Keep toes pointing outward.
The head should be raised, giving a backward bend to the neck.

*The chest should be raised slowly, contracting the muscles of the back and the vertebral column (backbone) should be made to undergo an extension as mucb as possible.

*Keep the navel on the floor or close to the floor. The body above the navel area should be raised in an upward position.

*Now bring the arms into action and slowly bend the whole back as much as possible without straining until the arms are straight.

*Retain the posture for a while.

*Now lower the head gradually and return to the normal position.

*Repeat this process three to five times.

Benefits of Bhujanga Asana

*Relieves pain in the back caused by overwork.

*The abdominal muscles are pulled and thereby strengthened.

*Increases inter-abdominal pressure.

*Raises body heat and destroys many ailments.

*Good for injured and slightly displaced spinal discs. Puts discs in their original position.

*The spinal region is toned.

*The chest is expanded.

*Reduces abdominal fat.

*Sexual performance of men and women is considerably improved as this Asana provides superb exercise to the spinal sex centre.

*Activates chest, shoulder, neck, face and head areas in an effective way, enhancing facial beauty.

Activates the Subconscious Mind

This Asana is particularly sulted for toning up the spine and regular practise makes the spine supple and flexible. Since the suppleness of spine ensures radiant vitality and youthfulness .one may concentrate on this aspect and use the following autosuggestion while performing the Asana:

Benefits :

Increases flexibility, rejuvenates spinal nerves and brings a rich blood supply to the spinal region. Activates and energizes the upper areas of the body like the chest, shoulders, neck, face and head, giving a youthful appearance. Corrects various abnormal troubles like constipation, indigestion and increases appetite.

It has some special benefits for women. Helps relieve problems of the uterus and ovaries and menstrual problems. A regular practice of this asana makes child birth easy.