Note :- During final posture of this Asana, hips remain a little risen, therefore it is called Utkatasana. This posture is useful for Bastikriya (one of the six purificatory processes).
Technique :-
- Stand erect, legs together hands by the side of the thighs. Gaze in front.
- Place legs about one fool apart. Raise the arms straight in front up to shoulder level, palm facing downward.
- Raising the heels, stand on toes and slowly sit putting weight on toes.
- Put both hands on respective knees.
- After sometirne, while returning, raise your arms from the knee up to shoulder level.
- Keeping balance, stand erec on the toes, there-after, slowly place the heels on the ground.
- Bring hands by the side of the thighs and keeping the legs together return to the original position.
- This is a blancing pose, therefore, maintain balance while sitting or standing on toes.
- During final posture, upper part of the body must remain erect.
- Do not put weight on heels.
- Calf muscles are made healthy and remove constipation and nervous weakness of the lower extremeties.
- Those suffering from muscle pull should not practise it.