
The body assumes the shape of a hill in this Asana hence it is named Parvatasana. This Asana has come through tradition. Its reference is not found in old texts but the tradition is very old.

Technique :-
  1. Sit in Padmasana.

  2. Raise your hands towards sky and keep palms facing each other.

  3. Catch hold the fist of one hand with the other hand and stretch your hands upward as if you are raising your body. You will get stretch in your abdominal muscles.

  4. After maintaining it for some time, loosen your hands and then practise it again.
  1. Those, who cannot practise Padmasana, can practise it in standing, stretched legs or in Vajrasana.

  2. Sit erect and gaze in front.
Benefits and Limitations:-
  1. This makes spine flexible.

  2. Visceroptosis and pain in backbone is removed.

  3. It is beneficial in constipation and removes seminal weakness.

  4. Those having complaints of reeling sensation should not practise it.