Hala Asana

Hala Asana or The Plough Posture is a valuable asana as it has some unique qualities and excellent benefits. It is an extreme forward bending exercise which promotes strength and flexibility in all the regions of the back and neck.

How to do :

1) Lie flat on the back with your body straight and stretched out. Bring the heels and toes together. Put the palms on the floor and keep them close to the body on both sides.

2)Stretch out the legs and toes. Inhale and simultaneously raise both heads upwards till they come to a vertical position.

3)Exhale and simultaneously start lowering the legs towards the head area. Try to touch the floor in front of the head with the toes. Go only as far as possible for you. After exhaling, keep breathing normally till the whole posture is completed. Remain in this position for about 8 seconds.

4)Start returning the back to the floor. Let the back roll down on the floor inch by inch. This should be done very slowly and smoothly. Keep the legs and toes quite tight all along during the returning phase. Now you have completed one round of this posture and relax for 6 to 8 seconds

There are several variations of the basic hala-asana each of which require greater flexibility in the spine and legs. Once one is adept at performing this asana these variations may be tried. The first entails swinging the arms around and either touching or grasping the toes with the hands
(1). The posture is then held in this position. (illustrated above)
Another variation calls for dropping the knees to the ground and placing them close the ears and keeping the arms extended on the floor
(2). And finally from this variation the arms are swung around and placed over the legs behind the knees and the hands are clasped and pressed down on the knees to hold them firmly on the floor
(3). All three variations are held while breathing gently gently through the nostrils.