Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar means greeting or bowing the sun. Usually all sessions of Yoga asanas begin with the 'Surya Namaskar' or sun salutation. It nourishes and energizes the upper part of the body.

Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation Yoga Asana has advantages and no side effects. In fact, each of the 12 postures of Surya Namaskar renders the body suppleness and strength coupled with mental peace. Moreover, you can also cure many ailments by performing the well-coordinated movements of Surya Namaskar. Your breathing clears, concentration power increases and your entire physiology gets invigorated. You gain confidence and also develop a reverence for the Almighty!

The Surya Namaskar also called Sun Salutations Yoga Asana in english, exercises are ideal warm-up and conditioning exercises for the entire body and the mind. They prepare you to encounter the challenges of the head head-on.

*The Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutations postures remove the psychosomatic tensions and help in calming down the mind.
*The endocrine system is harmonized.
*The heart and the lungs get energized due to controlled breathing.
*The nerve points as well as the nervous system improve.
*The spine gets stretched. It becomes supple. Spinal area pains and aches are relieved.
*Spinal curve disorders and deviations get corrected.
*Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation Yoga Poses stimulates the peristalsis and thereby helps in regulating bowel functioning.
*Surya Namaskar yoga asana movements tone up the organs and limbs. The limbs become symmetrical while the internal vital organs become more functional.
*The entire muscle system becomes stronger. That includes the muscles of the eyes, neck, shoulders, arms, hips and the legs.
*You can cure ailments like sciatica, diabetes, blood pressure, mental tension, backache and indigestion among others.