The reference of this Asana is not found in any old text. It is a very important Asana which has come through tradition. It is know as Halasana because in its final position the body resembles the shape of Indian plough.
Technique :-
- Take supine position hands straight by the side of thighs, palm resting on the gorund.
- Slowly raise your legs together without bending at knees by pressing your hands and stop at 30° angle.
- After few seconds raise your legs further up to 60° angle and maintain.
- Now slowly bring the legs at 90° angle.
- Pressing both the hands bring the legs little towards the head.
- Continue the bending of legs till toes touch the ground and then stretch your legs backward as far as possible.
- Now place both the palms on the head making finger lock. Bring the elbows on the ground.
- While returning back to the original position first release the finger-lock. Stretch the hands straight and place them on the ground by the side of the body.
- Lower the waist and raise the legs from the ground. Slowly let the waist rest on the ground and stop bringing the legs at 90° angle.
- Slowly come back to the original position.
- Do not bend legs at the knees while raising them up.
- Do not raise the legs by giving jerk.
- After reaching the angle of 90° go ahead carefully balancing your weight. Sometimes due to gravitational force, the legs may fall backward on the ground with jerk, therefore, control yourself.
- While stretching the legs backward balance your weight on the hands and also while returning use hands for balancing the weight.
- Do not forcibly stretch your legs if they are not in a position to touch the ground. Stretch them as far as they are stretched easily. Maintain it. Gradual practice will make body capable of moving forward and flexibility will be developed.
- Due to the disturbance of abdominal muscles if there is a complaint of Dyspepsia or constipation, it can be corrected by the practice of this Asana.
- The practice of this Asana is also useful in certain types of diabetes.
- Maximum benefits of Halasana can be derived when Bhujangasana is practised immediately after Halasana.
- Those suffering from cervical spondilitis or stiffness in spine should practise it very carefully.