Utthan Pada Asana

In Utthan Pada Asana, both the legs are lifted upwards. This asana gives excessive strain to the spine. In case of any spinal injury this asana can be practiced by lifting one leg at a time.

"Fold back both the legs at the knees (keep them apart from one another at about six inches) and be seated on the curve of soles and toes, keeping the heels apart and turned upwards under the hips. Make the body straight. Keep the head, the neck and the spine in one line. Look in front. Put the palms on their respective side knees. Breathe normally".
How to do :
*Lie on the floor with your body straight. Heels should be together. Look towards the ceiling.
*Slowly inhale and take in as much as air you can.
*Holding your breathe lift both the legs up about 10 inches high from the floor.

*Legs should be held together straight and toes stretch forward. Retain for about 5 seconds.
*Exhale slowly and begin lowering the legs simultaneously.

*Complete exhaling by the time your legs are brought back to the floor.

Restrictions :

*Start with three rounds on the first day. Relax for about 5 seconds after each round.
*Do not practice more than four rounds a day.
*People who have had spinal injury can do the asana by lifting each leg alternatively.
*Do two rounds with each leg.

Benefits :

Strengthens the spinal code and corrects disorders of the back. Reduces paunch and removes constipation, indigestion and gas trouble.
For the asthmatics Ushtra Asana brings a good effect upon the whole of respiratory system activating the facial tissues; the nasal passage, the pharynx, the lungs and the whole of respiratory organs and the nerves

It also corrects many disorders of the neck, shoulders, and the spine throat trouble, tonsil, voice defect and chronic headache etc. It cures various types of visionary defects of the eyes and strengthens all the sense organs.