Notes:- This is the further stage of Uttanapadasana. This traditional pose accepted for Viparitakarani is being shown in the picture.
Technique :-
- Take supine position, hands straight by the side of thighs, palms resting on the ground.
- Slowly raise your legs together without bending at knees by pressing your hands and stop at 30° angle.
- After sometime raise your legs further up and stop at 60° angle.
- Raise it again and stop at 90° angle.
- After few seconds, bring your legs little towards head so that your buttock also will be raised up.
- Support your buttocks hands. Elbows should placed on the ground. Keep your legs straight.
- Keeping the support to the buttock, straighten your legs parallel to the elbows.
- While returning to the original position, first of all bring your legs towards head and place the hands on the ground. Divide your weight on hands.
- Slowly bring your buttock on the ground and keep your legs straight.
- Now slowly bring the legs on the ground and keep your legs straight.
- Practise Uttanapadasana well before starting the practice of Viparitakarani.
- Do not bend your legs at the knees.
- While "raising the legs or returning to the original position, do not give jerk.
- Do not keep much distance between two elbows. Keep them at comfortable distance (about 1 1/4 ft. distance).
- According to Swami Kuvalayanandaii this Asana maintains the health of thyroid gland.
- This Asana is advantageous in semen and testicles problem.
- For females, it removes ovary disorder.
- This is also useful in dyspepsia, hernia and visceroptosis.
- It helps in effective blood circulation in head.
- Those suffering from hypertension, cervical spondilitis and operative stage of hernia should not practise it.