- The Corpse Pose. Lie down on your stomach. Fold your arms and place them in front of your face. Place your head on your hands.
- The Easy Pose. Sit cross-legged with your hands on your knees.
- Neck stretches. Move your neck from side to side.
- Leg raises. Lie down on your back, arms by your sides. Lift your legs into the air, to create a 90 degree angle.
- The cobra. Lie down face down on the floor, arms bent and in front of you. Lift your upper torso from the floor.
Beginning Poses For Yoga
When finding beginning poses for yoga, it is best to consult a website, book or video that will show you how the postures should be carried out. Search for postures that are aimed at beginners. As you become better at the yoga poses, you can search for more advanced postures. Here are some beginning yoga positions: