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Makarasana - 2
Technique :- - Lie down in prone position as in Shavasana.
- Both the legs will be together, palms resting on the ground, hands by the side of the body.
- Spread both the hands in line with shoulders, palm resting on the ground, keep fingers together in straight position.
- Place your right heel in between the big toe and second toe of the left foot.
- Bring both the feet to your left side till right toe touches the ground.
- Take your head and neck towards right side it is the complete position of Asana.
- You can devote 30 to 60 second easily in this pose.
- You can repeat the same on other side except position of head and neck will go towards the opposite direction.
Remember:- - Remember that if you have stiff back, special care should be taken.
- Remember if along with legs back also turns allow it to be.
- If some one has Cancer or T.B. of the backbone it should not be practised.
Benefits and Limitations:- - It is very useful in Spondalities of Lumber region.
- It also maintains flexibility of Backbone and gives exercise to the nerves attached to the spine.
- This is also beneficial in Sciatica Problem.