
Placing the palms on the knees, spreading out the fingers (and) opening the mouth wide, one should gaze at the tip of the nose and be well (composed). This Simhasana, adored by ancient yogis. This, the best of Asanas facilitates (adopting) the three Bandhas.

Simha means Lion in Sanskrit, -therefore assuming the form of a lion is called Simhasana.

Technique :-
  1. Sit in Vajrasana.

  2. Now raise your buttock a little and cross the heel and toes of the right leg over that of left leg like a scissor.

  3. Sit on the heels and place both hands on the respective knees.Spread out the fingers.

  4. Bring out the tongue as much as possible. Gaze should be Nasal.

  5. While returning back to the original position, take the tongue in, release the tension, loosen your hands and come back to the original position.
Remember :-
  1. The hands on the respective knees should remain straight and the chest should be erect.

  2. At the time of bringing out the tongue exhale from the mouth with some sound.

  3. After completion of exhalation maintain the position for few seconds. Practise it again after taking the tongue in.
Benefits and Limitations :-
  1. Muscles of the neck are excercised and the blood circulation therein is improved.

  2. The thyroid is also made healthy.

  3. Tonsilitis of certain types is checked.

  4. Everybody can do it.