Paschimothan Asana (Back Stretching Posture)


*Lie flat on the back with arms parallel to the body and legs together.
*Inhale deeply and stiffen the body.
*Slowly raise the head and chest and assume a sitting posture, keeping the knees rigid and legs on the floor.
*Now exhale and bend further to hold the toe.
*Then slowly bend till the face rests on the knees.
*Inhale and return to the sitting position and then be flat on your back with arms parallel to the body.
*This Asana could be done in a dynamic manner and can be repeated three to five times.

Benefits of Paschimothan Asana

*Brings flexibility to the spine. According to Yoga, the rigidity of the spine is a symptom of old age. So flexibility ensures qualities of youthfulness.

*Corrects all disorders of the spine.

*Relieves backache and back problems.

*Abdominal muscles and organs are toned up.

*Cures all kinds of stomach trouble. This is one of the best postures to improve digestion. It is stated in the Vedas that a person can consume poison and do this Asana. The poison will be digested. However, we advise readers NOT to risk trying this experiment.

*Good for those with low blood pressure.

*Removes excess fat from the stomach and hips.

*Tones up the lumber region of the spine.

*The solar plexus and nervous system of the spine are gently stimulated and freed from congestion.

*Renews vigour and vitality in sexual activity and removes disorders of the pancreas, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, intestines, spleen and seminal secretions.

*Prevents certain forms of ulcers.

*The waist is reduced, as adipose tissue is removed from the stomach and thighs, thereby improving physical personality.

*Advocated for controlling repeated hiccups and asthmatic attacks.

*Improves general health considerably.

Since there are innumerable benefits derived from this Asana it is better to choose one of the benefits according to one's need. Persons with weak digestive capacity mar suggest to themselves that their digestive power is increasing.

Those desirous of developing a graceful figure may concentrate on this aspect Persons suffering from stomach disorders and constipation may mentally repeat thai they are greatly relieved from stomach trouble.

Suitability It is suitable for all. However, people with weak digestive power may secure mOIl beneficial results. It is good for ladies in attaining a graceful figure, and for the middle aged to improve their sex lives.

Precautions People with slipped discs and those suffering from sciatica, chronic arthritis and sacral infections should not perform this Asana.