Note:- Uddiyana Bandha is enumerated as one of the three Bandhas and ten Mudras.
Technique :-
- Stand erect.
- Spread out the legs. The distance between two legs should be 15" to 18".
- Lean forward, place hands on the thighs or knees and now exhale fully, hold the breath out.
- Expand the chest so that the abdomen would be drawn 'in and you will feel that the upper portion of the abdomen is being pulled towards the ribs.
- After pulling it completely maintain for 5-10-15-20 seconds (according to your capacity). Now return.
- Now slowly relax the abdomen and stand erect after inhalation.
- The waist should not lean much while bending forward.
- The chest should be expanded, shoulders bent a little.
- The legs should not be bent more at the knees.
- Do not keep the abdomen tight. Let it relax.
- Exhale fully (completely).
- Always practise Uddlyana on an empty stomach.
- It can be practised sitting in Padmasana also.
- Removes constipation, invigorates digestion pressurises the navel plexes, and help to make retention of breath stable.
- Do not practise it if there is a complaint of headache.