
According to Swami Kuvalayanandaji another name for Guptasana is Samasana. In this posture, body remains in a symmetrical position and, therefore, it is named Samasana The only difference in Samasana and Swastikasana lies in the arrangement of heels, remaining positions are similar. It is a meditative Asana.

Technique :-
  1. Sit with both legs extended together in front, hands by side. Fingers should remain together.

  2. Fold your right leg at the knee. Holding the right ankle by right hand and toes by left hand, turn it upward and place it in line with the navel. The sole should remain upward and toes should remain on the ground.

  3. Similarly to fold your left leg, hold the ankle by left hand and toes by right hand.

  4. Now keep left heel on the heel of right leg. Toes of the left leg are arranged between the right thigh and ankle. Sit straight. Keep hands on respective knees in 'Jnanamudra'.

  5. While returning back to the original position first extend the left leg.

  6. Then bring right leg in original position
Remember :-
  1. There is very little difference between Svastikasana and Samasana. In Samasana one heel rests on the other heel.

  2. Place your penis below the ankle carefully, so that it should not be pressed suddenly.