Yoga = Unity Oneness. Derived from the Sanskrit word yog which means to join. The science of life, the integration of mind and body, the union of the spirit to the divine, via tools left behind from rishis, ascetics and yogis of ages past.
The Eight Fold Path of Yoga (not to be confused with Buddha's Eight Fold Path), from sage Patanjali s yoga sutra delves deeply into the morality of living and plunges into the human psyche. It consists of: Yama (self restraints), Niyama (self observances) Asana, Pranayama (breath techniques), Pratyahara (withdrawl of the senses), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (identification with pure consciousness).
To many, the mention of yoga conjures up images of postures (Asanas) to develop flexibility, general body health and of course awareness. This is just the beginning. While yoga's central theme remains the highest goal of the spiritual path; yogic practices can give direct and tangible benefits to everyone regardless of their spiritual aims.
There is an inter-relationship between yoga and meditation. Part of Lord Buddha s contribution to humanity was to focus on meditation to develop Samadhi (while focusing on a platform of ethics and morality). You can choose whether to focus wholly on yoga, or more specifically on meditation, or saturate yourself in both of these.
For millennia, the Himalayas have played a key role in mankind s journey to self realisation. Its total isolation from the rest of the world, its serene solitude has been an ideal environment for looking within. Nepal has inherited this unique past which is evident in its every day life and culture when it comes to diving deep into your consciousness or floating in total awareness. It still does have individuals and institutions capable of guiding you to this noble path; to the cosmic universe which has an infinite beauty of its own.
There are many classes from which to choose. Kathmandu also offers many practitioners/Ayurvedic healers who hold yoga as a primary source for the treatment of illness. Please see Ayurveda Section.
There are many branches of yoga, such as : raja, hatha, jnana, karma, bhakti, mantra, kundalini and laya.