
The description of Baddha-Padmasana is found under the name Padmasana in traditional book, which will be described later or in the same book. Here, the technique of simple Padmasana is described for the beginners.

Technique :-
  1. (As in Svastikasana). First pose.

  2. Slowly catch hold the sole of right form left hand and ankle form the right and place it on the left thigh.

  3. Similarly catch hold the sole of left leg from right hand and ankle from the left.

  4. Now place it well on right thigh.

  5. Place hands on respective knees in Gyana Mudra.Close your eyes or keep the gaze nasal or in front.

  6. While returning to the original position, first stretch out your left leg.

  7. Then stretch out your right leg also.
Remember :-
  1. This is a meditative posture, hence, spine must remain straight in its final position.

  2. One must practise Ardha Padmasana before he resorts to practise Padmasana.

  3. Do not forget the limitation. After keeping one leg on the other thigh, if other leg can not be placed fully on the other thigh, do not try to put it forcefully.
Benefits and Limitations :-
  1. Those suffering from chronic knee pain, should not practise it.

  2. Those getting cramps in calf-muscles should practise it cautiously.