Note:- 'Makara' means 'Crocodile'. While doing this Asana body resembles the shape of 'crocodile', hence it is known as Makarasana. It is also considered a relaxative Asana like Savasana.
Technique :-
- Take prone lying position, hands by the side of the thiqhs.
- Slowly spread out both the legs. The toes should remain out and heels inward.
- Slowly fold the left hand at elbow bringing it from below the armpit. Place it in the right shoulder. Fold the right hand at the elbow and place it on the left shoulder.
- Place your head on the triangle made by both the elbows.
- You can bring either hand on the shoulder from below the armpit.
- If it is difficult to place one elbow on the other place both elbows slightly apart.
- Head should remain inside elbow.
- If it is difficult to rest the head, keep chin between the elbows
- This is beneficial in Asthma.
- For those who have acquired wrong process of respiration (due to Asthma etc.) this Asana is more useful.
- Abdominal muscles get automatic massage.
- Those having heart problem, obesity, gas or high blood pressure should not practice it.