
This Asana has also come through tradition. It has been described widely in modern Yoga Texts. We assume a triangular form through this practice hence it is called Trikonasana

Technique :-
  1. Stand erect with legs together, hands by the side of the thighs.

  2. Make two or two and half feet distance between two legs and raise both the hands towards each side, so to make a parallel line with shoulder.

  3. Slowly bending towards right side (lateral) touch the toe of the left leg with the forefinger and middle finger of the right hand adn raise the left hand towards sky. Gaze also should be up towards left hand.

  4. After maintaning it for sometime, slowly return to the second position.

  5. Now start bending slowly lateral towards left side and touch the toe of the right leg with left hand.Keep pointing towards sky. Gaze should be towards raised right hand.

  6. While returning back to the original position bring down your raised hand, leave the toes and stand erect with legs together.


1. Do not bend legs at the knees.

2. Judge your limitations.

Benefits and Limitations :-
  1. As in konasana.