Chakra, from the root cak ("to move") means wheel and therefore this is the Wheel Posture.The cakra-asana is also known as the urdhva-dhanurasana. Urdhva means raised, elevated or upright and dhanur means bow. Both "wheel posture" and "raised bow posture" describe the appearance of this asana.
Lie on the back with feet well apart.
Bend legs and arms and place palms on the floor a little behind the head, fingers pointing towards the feet. With some effort, raise the body above the ground and make an arch.
The entire body must rest on the feet and hands.
Benefits of Chakra Asana
Keeps the spine flexible even in old age.
Beneficial for the entire nervous and glandular system.
Develops muscles of back, neck, spine and shoulders.
Activates the intestine.
keeps the practitioner alert and energetic.
Sharpens eyesight.
Improves texture and complexion of skin.
Tones up the sex centre in the spine.
Affords relief in constipation, flatulence and asthma.
Tones up nerves serving the organs of sight, hearing, smell and taste.
Controls gastric trouble.
Energises a sluggish liver.
Improves blood circulation to the brain and enhances intelligence and alertness.