Viparitakarani (Saravangasana)

Sarvangasana means the Asana which influences the whole body. Its reference is not found by its name but it is counted under the name Viparitakarani. Sarvangasana is a further improvement of Uttanapadasana and Viparitakarani.

Technique :-
  1. Take supine position, hands straight by the side of the thighs, palm resting on the ground.

  2. Slowly raise your legs together without bending at the knees by pressing your hands and stop at 30° angle.

  3. After sometime raise your legs little more and stop at 60° angle.

  4. Now slowly bring it at 90° angle.

  5. Press the hands and bring your legs little towards head so that your buttock is raised up.

  6. After that, support it from the palms of both the hands, place the elbows on the ground making broad base.

  7. Raise the legs towards sky,raise the buttocks also,continue the support of your hands. Raise the legs towards sky till the legs, abdomen and chest form a straight line. Place the palms on your back for the support. Chin should be placed against the chest (jugular knotch). Maintain the position.

  8. After that slowly return. While returning to the original position first lower your buttock but continue the support of your hands. When you become confirmed that you can come down even without the support of your hands then slowly place your hands on the ground. Divide the weight of your body on hands and slowly place the buttocks on the ground and bring your legs at 90° angle.

  9. Slowly place your legs together on the ground without bending it at the knees and return to the original position.
Remember :-
  1. Do not use your hands for giving jerk to raise your body.

  2. Judge the limitation of your body. If body gets pain or legs are not easily raised then do not force in any way or give jerk.
Benefit and limitations :-
  1. This removes the symptoms of immature old age.

  2. Diseases tike dyspepsia, constipation, hernia and visceroptosis can be treated by it.

  3. Those, suffering from high-blood pressure, should not practise it.