Frequently Asked Questions

Is It Normal to Experience Soreness After Yoga?
Some soreness is normal after your first yoga sessions. This should disappear after your body becomes used to the yoga postures. Intense pain is not normal.

Is It Normal to Feel Tingling In The Arms and Legs During Yoga?
Some tingling in the arms and legs is normal. If the tingling is very intense, it may be because you are not resting for long enough between poses or because you are holding the pose for too long a period.

What Is Power Yoga? Is It Okay for Beginners?
Power yoga is a series of yoga poses that are done in succession, without stopping. It uses basic yoga poses, and can be done by beginners.

What Postures Should I Focus on for a Short Practice Session?
If you only wish to do a short practice session, you should still include breathing exercises, body postures and meditation. It does not matter which exercises are done in each group. A very short session should include warm-up exercises and breathing exercises, such as the corpse pose, sitting cross-legged with hands on your knee and rolling your neck from side to side.
How Often Should I Practice Yoga?
Yoga should be practiced daily for the best results.
Will Yoga Tone My Body in the Same Way as Working Out?
Yoga will tone and strengthen the body, but it will not have the same effect as working out. Longer and more advanced postures will tone the body better than basic, short poses.

Looking at the advanced poses practiced by experienced yoga practitioners may put some people off trying yoga. But yoga for beginners does not involve complex and difficult moves. Yoga positions for beginners should be simple and easy to do. Only later does the person move to more advanced poses.